The runbook itself is fairly simple.
First, we need to query the database for the jobs table ([Microsoft.SystemCenter.Orchestrator.Runtime].Jobs) which holds most of the data for the jobs. One key to both queries is to flatten the data which we will later break back out into multi-valued data.
Select POLICIES.Name, Jobs.CreatedBy, Jobs.CreationTime, Jobs.Status
From [Microsoft.SystemCenter.Orchestrator.Runtime].Jobs AS Jobs
Where Jobs.CreatedBy != 'S-1-5-500' and datediff(HOUR, Jobs.CreationTime, SYSUTCDATETIME ()) <= 24
Order By Jobs.CreationTime Desc
You can also extract parameters, runbook servers specified, etc... from the query if you like. I joined the POLICIES table onto Jobs to get the name of the runbook from the guid. Since this is a daily report, I selected jobs created in the past 24 hours. I've also filtered out jobs started by the SID - "S-1-5-500". This will narrow our results down to the OC. Jobs started from the designer console or "internally" to SCOrch will have that SID. Jobs created from the OC will show the SID of the user that started the job.
Next, we run almost the same query just to get the SIDs of the users we need to translate.
Select Jobs.CreatedBy
From [Microsoft.SystemCenter.Orchestrator.Runtime].Jobs AS Jobs
Where Jobs.CreatedBy != 'S-1-5-500' and datediff(HOUR, Jobs.CreationTime, SYSUTCDATETIME ()) <= 24
Group By Jobs.CreatedBy
Now to the script that puts it all together. You'll notice from this screenshot where I've used the published data to parse.
Here is the script (I've left out the published data alphabet soup since it would be translated to the guid).
$RawResults = ""
$MyObjectCol = @()
$Regex = [regex] '/*__%__'
$Results = $Regex.Split("$RawResults")
ForEach($Data in $Results)
If ($Data.Split(";")[0].Length -ne 0) {
$Field1 = $Data.Split(";")[0]}
Else {$Field1 = $null}
If ($Data.Split(";")[1].Length -ne 0) {
$Field2 = $Data.Split(";")[1]}
Else {$Field2 = $null}
If ($Data.Split(";")[2].Length -ne 0) {
$Field3= $Data.Split(";")[2]}
Else {$Field3 = $null}
If ($Data.Split(";")[3].Length -ne 0) {
$Field4= $Data.Split(";")[3]}
Else {$Field4 = $null}
$MyObject = new-object psobject
$MyObject | add-member -MemberType noteproperty -name RunbookName -value $Field1
$MyObject | add-member -MemberType noteproperty -name InvokedBy -value $Field2
$MyObject | add-member -MemberType noteproperty -name Date -value $Field3
$MyObject | add-member -MemberType noteproperty -name JobStatus -value $Field4
$MyObjectCol += $MyObject
#Remove Empty Objects
$MyObjectCol = @($MyObjectCol | Where-Object {$_.RunbookName -ne $null})
#Convert SID to Username
$Users = @()
$SIDs = ""
$SIDs = $SIDs.Split("__%__")
ForEach ($SID in $SIDs) {
If ($SID.Length -ne 0) {
$objSID = New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier ($SID)
$objUser = $objSID.Translate( [System.Security.Principal.NTAccount])
$User = $objUser.Value
ForEach ($Object in $MyObjectCol) {
$Object.InvokedBy = $Object.InvokedBy -Replace("$SID","$User")
#Convert UTC to Local Time
$strCurrentTimeZone = (Get-WmiObject win32_timezone).StandardName
$TZ = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::FindSystemTimeZoneById($strCurrentTimeZone)
ForEach ($Object in $MyObjectCol) {
$Object.Date = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::ConvertTimeFromUtc($Object.Date, $TZ)
$MyObjectCol = $MyObjectCol | Sort Date -Desc | ft -AutoSize | Out-String -Width 4096 -Stream | %{ $_.Trim() }
$MyObjectCol | Out-File -FilePath "C:\Temp\JobAudit.txt"
I create a hash table to save the end results in. The script converts the SIDs to usernames and also converts the time from UTC to local. It then saves the output to a txt file which we'll email as an attachment. I chose to do it this way so the data would be saved in columns and formatted cleanly to read. You could also format it as a list to put directly into the body of the email.
Finally, just for housekeeping, the txt file is deleted.
Not only your contents but also the way you present the issue is awesome. Particularly this one is articulating the sense of the audit jobs discussion. Your word power is awesome. Keep it up.